Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Casey Blog 3


Why would someone risk their life to escape their home? To me the sad reality of why someone would risk their life to illegally escape to another country is because where there are, their life is not worth living. The way I see it, people will take the risk of death because they would rather die trying to escape then live a horrible where they are. With brutal living conditions, intense labour and nothing to provide happiness of any means, escape with the risk of death is high is more appealing than living in the conditions you are in. If they succeed without being caught then it was worth it and if not Im sure many are happier than if they had never tried. I think that it is sad that death has to be more appealing than living in the conditions that some have live in. It is especially sad that to the people caught living in the house decried in the article, living in the conditions that they were living in when in the stash house were better than in Mexico. No electricity or furnishings and 32 people sounds like a horrible place to be in, so if that was better than life in their countries, I can't imagine what they had to live in before. I understand the Government not accepting these people and deporting them, but when they see how these people are living they must feel some emotion for these people especially after seeing how they were living once they got to America.


  1. I liked how deep you went into why someone would go to the lengths they go to but I don't think the risk of death is as high as you make it out to be. While the living conditions aren't very good, the way you're saying it seems that death is the most likely thing to happen, which I don't believe is true.

    I don't think hat the horrid living conditions are better than in Mexico, but that those living conditions are temporary and that the immigrants are willing to go through it in order to live a better life later on

  2. This is merely a theory, but if I'm in a dire living condition, I'd rather go to American jail than live on the streets of Mexico. At least they serve you with food. Even better, I might have a chance to make it into American society; either if I don't get caught at all, or after getting out of jail.

    However, if Opium was the border, I would not take the risk to be turned into an eejit. Just a personal opinion, but I'd rather starve than becoming an eejit.
